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Brian Schiff’s Blog

Injury Prevention, Sports Rehab & Performance Training Expert

Tag: BOSU exercise

Over the years, I have worked with hundreds of athletes (male and female).  One consistent finding among many I see is weakness in the hips and core.  Knee injuries are often the result of poor frontal and transverse plane stability, which is often related to weakness in the glutes (max and medius).

In order to resist valgus/rotational loads effectively, athletes must address this weakness with training.  I am always looking for ways to get the most out of exercise provided it makes sense to me.  So, I began using the exercise I am sharing with you today – BOSU planks with hip abduction/extension.  I use both to work on the gluteus maximus and medius muscles.  This exercise targets hip and core weakenss at the same time.


Hip Abduction


Hip Extension


Click here read how to execute the exercise and apply it to your routines.

In my blog I like to share new exercises and columns I write with you.  Today, I am sharing the latest column I recently wrote for PFP magazine.  If you like core killer exercises, then this one is for you.  It also stresses shoulder stability.  Note: this exercise requires a moderate to high level of upper body strength.

Start Position

Start Position


Forward Rocking Position


Backward Rocking Position


If you enjoy these types of exercises, stay tuned as I was recently asked by Fitness Anywhere (makers of the TRX) to do an online blog series on BOSU & TRX combo exercises.  Look for these real soon.  They will also include video demonstrations.

To see the complete instructions on how to perfrom the TRX Suspended BOSU Body Saw, read my online PFP column by clicking HERE.