Today I am going to share two pieces I have written for other publications as I think the exercises I discuss have real merit and broad application for competitive athletes and weekend warriors.  I am a columnist for PFP Magazine and Endurance Magazine and these articles come from those publications.

Single Leg Theraband Activation Squats

The idea behind this exercise is applying progressive gradients of resistance that encourage the faulty motion (pulling the leg into adduction and internal rotation) to facilitate increased activation of the gluteus medius/minimus and small lateral rotators to create an anti-adduction/internal rotation force.  Decreasing such moments at the knee will reduce IT Band issues, patellofemoral pain, ACL injury risk and overuse problems often seen in running.

Click here to see how to perform the exercise

Mobility Training for Endurance Athletes

It is no secret that endurance events require repetitive motion and often carry a higher risk of overuse injuries.   In light of this, poor thoracic extension and/or limited ankle dorsiflexion negatively impact proper running and riding mechanics and lead to faulty movement patterns.  Beyond physical stress, this reduces performance capacity as well.  There are two simple mobility exercises to help correct imbalances that may be hindering you.

Click here (go to page 16) to see how to sustain your body with these exercises