Yesterday, I revealed a simple yet effective way to strengthen the posterior cuff muscles for overhead athletes.  Today, I want to give you a slightly more difficult version while positioned prone on the ball.  It still targets the posterior cuff, but allows you to focus on both shoulders and stabilization too.

Again, move through a pain free range of motion and use a deliberately slow cadence on this exercise.  I typically like a 1/1/1 or a 2/1/2 pace to get full activation of the muscles throughout the range.  Deceleration of a throwing, stroking or hitting arm is one of the key roles the posterior cuff plays, so emphasizing eccentric strength is necessary to prevent and rehabilitate a shoulder injury. 

Perform 2 sets of 10-15 repetitions with a lighter weight, while maintaing strict form.  If you sense the upper torso is lifting off the ball, consider using less weight or moving to a position where the knees are on the floor to increase stability.