This is the last part of my ACL series (for now anyway).  Today, I want to share a simple drill for teaching athletes to decelerate properly when moving side to side.  So many kids lack the ability to slow momentum correctly at high speeds.  Rather than stay low, they often tend to remain upright.

This posture not only reduces power and quickness, but it also increases injury risk.  You see, it is darn near impossible to tear your ACL when the knee is flexed near 90 degrees.  The knee is more at risk when the flexion angle is closer to 30 degrees (in general) when examining non-contact injuries.  Teaching athletes to stay low will improve force generation, change of direction speed and reduce injuries.

So, in today’s video I will show you how to do just that.  Keep in mind this drill can be done for quickness (shorter strides), power (longer strides) or just form work (shown here).

If you enjoyed these videos and want more information on my exact training program to prevent ACL injuries, you can pre order my DVD now.  It will normally retail for $34.95, but if you pre order now, you can get it for just $19.95.   I will throw in free shipping anywhere in the US too.


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