Well, I just finished day two of the 2nd IYCA Youth Summit.  I attended last year as well.  Each year I took away some new info, reinforcement about what I am currently doing along with motivation to become a better coach.  Yet, the best part of attending these live events is building relationships. 

I have met so many incredible coaches and people.  Whether having breakfast with the likes of Kwame Brown and Carlo Alvarez or chatting with Dave Jack and Chris Mohr, I am reminded that greatness is not about ego or self seeking.  Rather, greatness comes from giving, humility and most importantly “doing the right things” for our clients.

What does this look like in my fitness and sports performance business?  Well, it involves the following:

  • Putting 100% of my passion into products, training and consulting
  • Assessing the needs, abilities and goals of my clients
  • Constantly re-assessing to “tweak” programming and exercise prescription
  • Being willing to admit when you are wrong or change the way you do or see things when it is in the best interests of the client
  • Continually learning and striving to get better each day
  • Delivering results through sound evidenced based training (knowing “why” I do what I do)
  • Being honest and dedicated to improving the lives of my clients

So, you may be asking why I am telling you all this.  I have a simple answer.  I want you to trust me and look to me as a credible expert when it comes to corrective exercise, rehab and sports performance.  I also want to assure you it really is the proper application of knowledge that defines success with exercise.  It is an exact science.

The types of exercise, reps, sets and such really do matter.  See what one client recently said about my shoulder rehab program:

I began using your exercises immediately.  In just 6 days I have seen significant change.  I have been able to use my hamd/arm again to wash my hair, close my car door, reach for items and just stop holding it up and against my body.  Today I had a weekly massage (she was formerly a PT) and she was amazed at my progress.  I feel there is hope again.  I know the book cost a fee, but I still want to say thank you for creating an exercise plan that does not include torture.

Wow, torture is never good, right?  Exercise should never be painful – just effective.  If you have not seen significant positive change within 30 days, this should raise a red flag.  So, beware of ultra hype and too good to be true claims, yet understand that you should see some measurable results in a reasonable time frame.  I will always stand behind my programs and products. 

With that said, I will be revealing a series of specific exercises I use with my clients over the next month.  In these posts, I will show you the exercise, explain the applications and reveal the training tools I use to make them work.  The posts will give you real exercises you can use to fix muscular imbalances, improve strength and maximize physical health and performance.  Most importantly, you can rest assured I remain 100% committed to doing things the “right way.”