Well, I must admit this whole blog thing is new to me, but I am very excited to commit to more frequent writing for my clients, colleagues and anyone interested in information I have to share.  My goal is to give you 2-3 weekly posts with relevant information, while keeping you up to date on events and publications I have that may be of interest to you.

In that light, I wanted to let you know I have a new column in the online version of Personal Fitness Professional Magazine titled “Functionally Fit.”  It will run twice per month and feature a relevant exercise or technique I use in my training that may add to your own fitness training, health and recovery. 

In addition, I have a new book coming out this month entitled Healthy Golf Shoulders: Your Complete Guide for Shoulder Injuries and Golf Conditioning.  It has been a much awaited project that is now almost ready to launch.  It covers how to handle common golf related shoulder injuries as well as offering 3 distinct circuits desgined to maximize golf performance.  In addition, the guide includes a self assessment tool to determine exactly how healthy you are in terms of mobility and range of motion as well as an interval hitting guide desgined to guide you back to the course (shot by shot) after an injury.

For all newsletter subscribers and faithful blog followers, you will have an opportunity to test drive this new e-book at a reduced price.  So stay tuned and check back often over the next 1-2 weeks as I reveal more information about the book itself.  I look forward to sharing much more information with you about my business, training philosophies and experiences in the future.  Have a great day and make the most of your training!