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Brian Schiff’s Blog

Injury Prevention, Sports Rehab & Performance Training Expert

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Ever wonder why your fitness program does not work, or why that nagging pain in your back, shoulder or knee never goes away?  I will tell you WHY.  It’s because most people fail to listen to their body.  Stay with me here.

If your fitness program is not yielding results, I bet you are not working hard enough and likely doing the same old routine.  Your body knows this and tells you this as it is not ever sore, nor does it change.  Likewise, the body sends signals of injury or mechanical failure in the form of pain, swelling, stiffness and weakness.  If you blow it off, bad things are likely to follow in time.

Consider the stubborn client who has a small shoulder pain related to a new kettle bell class he has been taking.  The pain starts out as a minor irritation, but as time goes by it grows.  Now bench press and shoulder press is hard to even do.  Even getting dressed is uncomfortable.  You guessed it.  The rotator cuff is flat out mad and inflamed.  Continuing to ignore it may lead to a tear, chronic inflammation and certain activity restrictions.

Can this be avoided?  In many cases the answer is yes.  Recognizing changes or the lack thereof, should give all of us a call to action.  It is much easier to solve pain and inflammation with early detection.  Telling yourself you can work through it and it will get better in time is foolish.  Not true 9 times out of 10.  Look at my neck problem.  I tried to work through it for a week and then realized it was not going away.  In fact it got worse.  Then I started an anti-inflammatory medication (mostly beneficial early on) and cervical traction.  The result is my symtpoms are resolving within 5 days of beginning treatment.  Whew!  The surgeron can keep waiting for me because I have no plans to visit anytime soon.

Am I fortunate?  Absolutely.  No one likes a pinched nerve.  But, do NOT discount the value of early recognition and intervention.  It has and will continue to keep me healthy long term.  So, listen to your body.  It provides all the clues necessary for people like me to help you stay fit and healthy while overcoming the plateaus and physical injuries.  Check back as my next post will give you some guidelines to determine if and when you can safely ramp activities back up after injury.

Well, today is Thanksgiving.  It should be a relaxing time to get together with loved ones and reflect on all we have to be thankful for.  I know 2008 has been full of triumphs for me personally and professioanlly speaking.  It has also had its challenges.  I am thankful for both as I reflect back on the year.

Oddly enough, I believe the challenges often lead to the most growth even though they can be very painful.  I feel so blessed to get up every day and help make the lives of others better through my fitness programs and knowledge about injury prevention and rehab.  So, thanks ot all of my clients and customers for putting your faith in me.  You only have one body on this earth, and making it the best body should be a goal shared by all.

With that said, I promised an update about my new e book.  As advertised, you can grab a copy online at for only $19.95 from now until Sunday November 30.  This is half price!  Take advantage of this special Holiday offer.  I think it has great content that will help anyone has shoulder issues and/or plays golf.  You can get a sample online prior to buying if you like.

I look forward to hearing what people think.  If you have questions or comments, please send them to   I have included another photo from the manual below.  This exercise is one of my preferred core strengthening exercises.  Lots more fun ones in the manual too. 


3 Point Plank

3 Point Plank


Be sure to tell all your golfing friends and family about the site even if you do not golf so they can test drive the book risk free for 60 days.  Now go enjoy your Thanksgiving feast!