As a therapist and fitness enthusiast, I always want to know the “why” and implications for exercises.  I have posted on modified push-ups in the past, but I felt compelled to share some information that was published in the October 2012 Strength and Conditioning Journal.  Bret Contreras et al. discuss the biomechanics of the push-up and provide an excellent overview of the different types of push-ups and what research has to say about them.


I was most interested by the parts on unstable push-ups as I tend to use the BOSU Balance Trainer and BOSU Ballast Ball in many of my programs.  Here are some key points that the authors point out that are worth mentioning:

  • BOSU push-ups have been shown to increase activity of some of the scapular stabilizers namely upper, middle and lower trapezius fibers compared to standard push-ups, while serratus anterior activity is diminished (Tucker et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010)
  • Lehman et al. (Man Ther 2008) reported that elevating the feet above the hands had a greater stimulus on scapulothoracic stabilizing musculature than placing the hands on an unstable surface
  • Lehman et al. (Dyn Med 2006) found that push-ups w/hands on a stability ball significantly increased the triceps brachii activation as well as invoking increased activation of pec major, rectus abdominus and external obliques compared with push-ups on a bench from the same angle.  However, note that feet on the stability ball did not affect muscle activity compared to push-ups with feet on a bench at the same angle
  • According to Marshall and Murphy (Apply Physiol Nutr Metab 2006) triceps brachii and abdominal EMG activity was much greater when performing push-ups off a stability ball compared to stable surfaces from flat and elevated positions


  1. Using unstable surfaces for push-ups when the primary base of support is the stability ball, BOSU, or BOSU Ballast Ball is more effective in increasing muscle activation of aforementioned muscles
  2. Placing the feet on an unstable surface does not add much benefit in terms of increasing muscle activation
  3. Maintaining a stable torso and spine angle is key and should not be compromised with an unstable surface

Other thoughts of mine:

Mastering form, alignment and strength with stable push-ups is common sense, right?  So, do not advance to unstable push-ups without pre-requisite strength and satisfactory technique in a stable environment.  Wrist mobility, shoulder stability, and core strength are just a few other key factors that should weigh in your decision to implement unstable push-ups.

Considering some isometric work with slightly bent elbows or even some small pulses can be effective in progressing toward these more advanced unstable push-ups.  Clients need to understand the point of no return and I prefer to spot closely particularly when using a stability ball or BOSU Ballast Ball.  Working with the BOSU (dome side down) is generally safer and allows for easier modification with the knees on the ground for those with less upper body strength or diminished control.

I also like to add a plus (scapular protraction at the top) to help counter the loss of serratus activity seen with BOSU push-ups. In the end, I really like using the unstable surface as the point of balance and have for some time.  There are many ways to do push-ups, but considering some unstable work has a good return for those clients whoa ready for it.

Below is a picture of the BOSU Ballast Ball – I prefer it over the stability ball as it is less likely to slip out from underneath the client.  It provides excellent shoulder and core stability work – my primary goals when electing to use it.  Reps, sets, progression and recovery will be dictated by fatigue and form at all times.
